by JacQuaeline | Mar 19, 2020 | Articles, CD Packages, Meditation, Uncategorized
Tomorrow: Spring Equinox Q: Why is it important? How to use it? A: Everything is energy. Understand/read the patterns of energy. Take advantage of the timing. Consider a wave or a tide. Go with the flow. Tide goes out – good time to venture out. Tide comes in – good time to move toward the shore. So, Equinox, Spring or Fall is a moment of pause when the tide changes direction. Connecting the dots here – ultimately meditation is a practice, not a trip. Slowing your thought waves to small or still, no movement measured, quiet still point, a time/place where you connect to your source. Beyond time, beyond space, beyond thinking. Entering the realm of knowing and being one with your source. Equinox is tomorrow, Thursday. I had an unexpected trip to Los Angeles this morning and will be on the road most of the day tomorrow unable to commit to the time I wanted to lead the group. If I get back within a reasonable time I will probably jump onto a FB Live and lead one. I usually explain this in my beginning classes. But I do want to post this offer. My “Art of Meditation: a fifteen day Challenge” usually sells for $97. With this coupon for the next 5 days I will make it available for only $27. (Save $70 – download 4 audios & 1 workbook) Simply use this link and the discount price will show up in the cart at check out.
Stay safe – Stay centered – Stay positive – Remember who and what you are – a child of god.. conscious energy and spirit having a human experience.
With loving light, JacQuaeline
PS. Ramping up on line Classes & MasterMind Support Groups, Private Readings & Coaching available.
by Solvatech | Jun 17, 2015 | CD Packages, Meditation
Purchase all three products plus the semi-private training class:
JacQuaeline has put together a training support system that will transform you as you work to balance your body, mind and emotions in order to awaken new levels of awareness and creativity in just 15 minutes a day!

The Natural Bio-Feedback Device – an intuitive tool that amplifies your intuitive knowing

TIME MASTERY: Beyond Time Management – a time-proven system that activates a connection between right brain and left brain – the specific purpose if to create a bridge and second – to clear our subconscious filters that distort what you perceive.
Get all of this for $891
by Solvatech | Jun 11, 2015 | CD Packages
TIME MASTERY: Beyond Time Management – a time-proven system that activates a connection between right brain and left brain – the specific purpose if to create a bridge and second – to clear our subconscious filters that distort what you perceive. The results is astounding. Fast. Simple to do. In just five weeks your Intuition Power will be a magical autopilot for your success. Details below.
Don’t get caught off guard!
When you are NOT in the right place at the right time – DISASTER can happen!
Here’s a true Testimonial:
I have a story from one of my students who took the TIME MASTERY Material. She complained that she never heard or felt any intuitive guidance. She was always second guessing herself, and most often picking the bad choice. One night she was driving along in a rainstorm. She had to go straight home. While sitting at the red light she ‘thought’… turn right now. She started an internal dialog – No, if I turn right now I have to drive around the reservoir and that will take another 20 minutes. I don’t have time for that I need to meet those friends and go out to a play. She heard it again and didn’t hesitate this time. She turned right as the light changed. As she was driving away from the intersection she checked her rear view mirror where she saw the flash flood and the cars being washed along. She would have driven directly into that wall of water. She turned right. She averted a little disaster. She reported that was the first time in her life she was able to detect the guidance. This was after 3 weeks of study/classes. The main process that she did is in the TIME MASTERY: Beyond Time Management program.
Stock trader, 50% increase over night! Time Mastery Beyond Time Management
—Hi, this is Barbara Patterson, I was taking JacQuaeline’s Time Management: Beyond Time Management Course. I’ve been trading stock for a while and I’ve been doing fairly well but I always do a lot of hemming and hawing before I pick a stock and I have to make sure that everything looks right and the charts look right; I’m more of a technical trader. I bought a stock back in January and just heard about it, did very little pros and cons on it and the next day it was up 50%. That was FANTASTIC! And, little things like that have been happening to me. I think about someone and they call. I think about going to a movie and a friend calls and we go out to the movie. I think about wanting something to eat at a certain restaurant and someone will call and say, ‘How about if I pick up some food from this certain restaurant?” So my life has certainly become more interesting and a lot more fun and I can’t wait to see what happens. |
In less than one minute per day, you will change “luck” into your DIVINE timing for the REST OF YOUR LIFE!
It’s amazingly simple to do… but it took me, JacQuaeline, 20 years to perfect it so I could share it quickly and easily and have it still work for you too!
TIME MASTERY: Beyond Time Management
Imagine if you invested the time and the money and this program worked! What if you could harness your internal powers and get consistent, rapid results? How would you feel 5 years from now? How much more time would you have by being in the right place at the right time? How much more money would you earn, save? How much more joy would you have? How about being relaxed about your life because your intuition is guiding you?
Would that be worth $4,000 ?
Retail price: $597
It was to Jose! He learned to use his Intuition in my class. He decided to take his net worth from $100,000 to $1 Million in one year. Within three months he was wheeling and dealing. By the end of six months – he MADE HIS GOAL; Millionaire! He said he never could have done it without the training… Years later I still get thank you cards from him! Is that good or good?
If you could activate this and have it for the rest of you life, what could you achieve?
More important – what could you ATTRACT?
JacQuaeline lives a magical life. Her students do to. Things happen; unbelievable and great things. JacQuaeline was at one of T. Harv Eker’s trainings. Joel Roberts, a Media Coach Extraordinaire was on stage. He was having a drawing for a private session worth $2,000. She entered the contest by purchasing a product… yet thinking, I want the prize. Then, she used the rest of the techniques and two hours later when the class came back from lunch break… her name was the second called. She won it. She put out her intention and it happened. Things happen. Magical moments will happen to you too.
Remember, everything has duality – for up there’s down, right there’s left.. in there’s out. With Intuition, it’s not just what you perceive, it’s what you put out and how you do it. I’ll teach you the magic tricks one step at a time.
I train people to develop and listen to their intuition, save time and shortcut their way to their own success you can LEARN to be in the right place at the right time. Have you have ever had instances where you your intuition spoke loud and you honored it and it created a breakthrough for you? Have you ever had instances where your intuition never really registered above a whisper, you didn’t pay attention to something that was trying to speak to you and later on you paid a price for it?
If you could regularly and routinely turn up the volume of your intution…
Would it be useful in choosing a romantic relationship?
Would it be useful in buying property?
In choosing investments?
press the play button
Cher Carden time: :02:06 I’m used to using my intuition on a daily basis. But there are days when it’s a little bit cloudy. After using the Time Mastery Program I have found that my intuition is much more reliable than before. It has definitely fine tuned my psychic skills and I’m also able to complete my daily responsibilities much faster and easier than I did before. My experiences of synchronicities occur more often and much faster. The Art of Meditation program I find really helps to clear the screen of my mind so that as I practice my visualization skills everyday that I utilize for healing purposes or to help enhance the quality of my life I notice that it’s much stronger than before. Also I find that everything in life in general is brought into a finer focus and I feel more calm and more confident in everything I do. My name is Cher Carden and I’m a spiritual reader and holistic practitioner in New York City. |
Intuition – the times you honor it – usually brings great richness.
This proven program will clear your old ‘filters’ and you turbo boost you towards your destiny FAST!
Have you ever had a time when your Intuition never registered above a whisper and later on you paid a price for it?
Maybe it was whether to trust an opportunity,or a contract, or an intimate relationship?
If you could regularly and routinely turn up the volume of your intuition, what would that do for you?

by Solvatech | Jun 11, 2015 | CD Packages
“MANY IDEAS FAIL NOT because they are bad ideas, not because they are poorly executed, but because the timing is not correct.” – Mark McCormack, ‘What they don’t teach you in Harvard Business School’

- Have you ever had something that did or didn’t work because of timing?
- Ever fall into a business deal where you just happened to get lucky because the timing was right?
- What about timing in romance?…Have you ever found, ironically enough, when you’re not looking for love, it shows up at a hamburger stand?
Right Timing can bring you wealth!
Wrong timing can leave you out in the cold, or worse, you loose the deal, you underbid, it came in too late.
In this competitive world, you NEED an
I can teach you the secret of having perfect timing every time!
When we talk about making money we think of Outer strategies. We can do research and try to figure out what stock to buy, what property to get, where to invest and how to develop our business systems… once you even decide on what your business is.
But the truth of the matter is your outer world is a result of your inner world. It’s a hard concept to get totally.
T. Harv Eker is constantly saying “it’s the ROOTS that create the FRUITS.”
I can show you how to get your timing right every time in business. I like to say it’s like transplanting your roots to new fertile ground.
This program I’ve developed so that you can make it happen.
The Natural Bio-Feedback Device – an intuitive tool that amplifies your intuitive knowing
Bring timing on your side…
I can show people how to get the timing right every time in business. I’ve been doing it for years!
I shared this with a group of corporate executives in a major pharmaceutical company. I showed the BioFeedback Device and how to use it for forecasting budgets and spending. I took them through a crash course on Intuition. They wrote me two years later with the results: They said they went from $70 Million in 1998 to $85 Million, a 143% increase over 1997. In 1999, next year they grew sales an additional 55% with $132 Million Dollars. CLICK HERE TO READ THE LETTER!
Timing is a very important issue in a lot of areas: |
- Business – meetings, deadlines, reports, forecasting events, forecasting finances
- Getting that contact that lands you the job, the deal, the contract!
- Social – showing up, setting up and coordinating dinners,/parties,/gatherings
- Travel – getting there or missing it, getting that parking spot, getting through traffic
- Romance – meeting the right ‘one’, knowing when to pop the question
- Family – coordinating plans, events, social, personal, meals, shopping, cleaning, everything!
Price: $195

by Solvatech | Jun 11, 2015 | CD Packages, Meditation
Do you have a daily meditation practice?
Is your meditation deep, meaningful and profound?
Meditation has been taught throughout the ages.
JacQuaeline has put together a training support system that will transform you as you work to balance your body, mind and emotions in order to awaken new levels of awareness and creativity in just 15 minutes a day!
Meditation can help you
- increase energy and improve health.
- reduce stress
- improve relationships
- increase positive intuition
- give you answers and insights
- provide guidance
- give insights and understanding
- expand your spiritual experiences
Meditation is NOT a TRIP. It’s a discipline.
“Prayer is talking to God and meditation is listening for the answers.” Walter Russell, author “The Secret of Light” & “The Universal ONE”
JacQuaeline spent several years teaching the year long Home Study Course called, “Universal Law, Science and Philosophy” created by Walter and Lao Russell. Sprinkled throughout this year long course was bits and pieces of instructions on how to meditate in order to gain the best results; based on scientific principles of how energy, light and consciousness manifest.
Walter Russell was known as a Creative Genius. During his 40 day illumination experience as an adult, he had a type of out of body experience where he was shown or taught the source of life in the universe. He said he talked with god and was given scientific information about how light manifests, how light become matter as we know it. He said, God said to him, “‘I cause all things to be by centering them from within and controlling them from without.” The home study course describes and explains that concept. But instead of studying the year long course, start with a simple meditation program that is based on that course.
This program, The Art of Meditation : A Fifteen Day Challenge was created as a result of Jacquaeline teaching this course, year after year.
Affirmations don’t work for most people!
Meditation does! Especially when you learn how to get into a still place – quiet, silence.
This program trains your brain to slow down and be still.
You train your mind to slow down and be quiet.
Out of the silence come the answers!
If you could develop a practice that would improve your health, help you concentrate, find more peace and experience more joy on a daily basis… and you buy it once and you can use it over and over and over again for years to come… would that be worth a $97 investment? We think so. In fact, we think it would be worth $970 or possibly even $9,700.!
It really is priceless. We have literally hundreds of comments from both beginners and advanced meditation students and they all agree.. this program is outstanding, fantastic, incredible.
Why meditate at all?
In this competitive world, you NEED an INTUITIVE ADVANTAGE!
Today we need to combat stress from pollution in our air, water, food; from mental overstimulation, too much traffic, bad news being reported day after day.
We are being bombarded with negativity daily.
One proven method that will energetically boost your defense system on all levels is DAILY MEDITATION.
In just fifteen days, you will see a positive shift in your life when you use this program as directed.
It’s simple to do. Follow the SIMPLE instructions in the booklet and turn on the CD or listen to the MP3. It will guide you through a fifteen minute program. Do one a day for fifteen days.
Can Meditation impact my finances?
Many people have dramatically changed their financial ‘money blueprint’ through focus. The concept is, what you focus on expands. People teach – affirmations. If you are like many others – affirmations have not been working… why? because they are superficial. And, oftentimes they are ‘left brain’ thinking process. You must go past the subconscious mind, go deeper into your right brain and even past that.
Go through the basic fifteen day training. Then use the same techniques and substitute the daily focus on income and financial abundance goals. We ask that you do the first fifteen days as directed so that you set a general foundation and do the basic clearing, releasing blocks, negative thought forms and patterns that might be holding you back. Then, start manifesting the things you desire through the same process with focus! Positive things happen fast!
– More on money –
When we talk about making money we think of Outer strategies. We can do research and try to figure out what stock to buy, what property to get, where to invest and how to develop our business systems.
But the truth of the matter is your outer world is a result of your inner world. It’s a hard concept to get totally.
T. Harv Eker, founder of Peak Potentials Training and author of best selling book, “Secrets of a Millionaire Mind” is constantly saying “it’s the ROOTS that create the FRUITS.”
The roots are not visible unless you dig up the plant. Your spirit, that invisible part of your is what we’re focusing on in these meditations. The Art of Meditation is like transplanting your roots to new fertile ground.
Don’t wait any longer.
What about my religion?
This program is spiritual and scientifically based. The science of how the mind works – conscious, subconscious and superconscious, right brain/ left brain, whole brain function were all taken into consideration when this program was created. The music was specifically developed in order to create a specific brain wave function and balance the chakra system.
(Chakras are energy force centers referenced in eastern medicine and both ancient and modern teachings of spiritual growth by yogis and healers and gurus) Religious mysticism encourages meditation and this program gives you a fast foundation that is safe and universal in nature.
1) Art of Meditation: a fifteen day challenge – training to relax, tune inward and become centered, still and powerful!
The results is astounding. Fast. Simple to do. In just five weeks your Intuition Power will be a magical autopilot for your success. Details below.
STRESS BLOCKS higher, positive Intuition &
Meditation is a solution to stress!
A Solution to Stress:
The Art of Meditation -a fifteen day program that will make a major impact on your life. Audio and workbook. The audio program gives you four powerful guided meditations, suitable for both beginning and advanced meditators. Each 15 minute program guides you to a deeper level every time you use it. Tap into your own inner wisdom where you will find peace, creative solutions, and perhaps, touch upon the Divine.
“JacQuaeline casts a gentle life enhancing enchantment over her listeners. With her meditations, she positively mesmerizes you into uplifted states of being, doing, and having.”Mark Victor Hansen, author of Best Selling, “Chicken Soup for the Soul” |