Keep Celebrating all week…..
Extended. Mothers Day Special Offer extended….
with love from JacQuaeline
Give a special gift – to your mom, or even yourself!
A Tarot Reading with Professional Clairvoyant, JacQuaeline
These Zoom Sessions give insights as well as uplifting inspiration that lasts for months or years to come.
Session recordings included for your review as time goes on.
This gift is a great way to say
‘I love you’.
Note: limited number of appointments available at this discounted price, register now*
JacQuaeline says: “I believe we all have free will. Oftentimes readings help open you to possibilities and guide you to new options. Clients get insights into timing, events, people, options. You don’t know what you don’t know… so working with a good psychic can be extremely valuable. Its always an honor to serve and share my gifts this way.“
Gain insights into the upcoming six to twelve months….
Limited # of Reading Sessions at this special Mothers Day price.
(Give yourself a gift too!)
Limited # of sessions at this discount offer ~
~ Complete One Hour Reading $500.00,
now only $197.00
click this link: https://cla.intuitionpower.com/forecast
“That was pretty amazing! Within the first ten minutes you completely answered my three most important questions – without you knowing anything about me or my background! Really great session!” Recent Client
“I was in denial about a needed divorce. JacQuaeline picked up on it immediately and said, you need to move to Texas. (She didn’t know anything about me but I grew up there and had family & friends.) I told her that was exactly correct and I did confirm I was thinking we would need to sell the house if I in fact go through with the divorce… We talked. JacQuaeline insisted that I raise the price of my house from $970,000 which was the latest comp in the neighborhood to $1,600,000. The real estate agent said, ‘okay, we can try pushing the market’. Guess what, JacQuaeline was right! It only took six weeks and closed for $1,550,000. It truly wouldn’t have happened if JacQuaeline hadn’t been so insistent. I’m so glad. She helped me gain the courage to follow my heart and my gut and start a new chapter in my life.”
Anonymous Client (before Covid, 2019)
Fact: you don’t know what you don’t know!
Tarot Readings with JacQuaeline are upbeat, ‘real’ and full of
great insights. Navigate forward in life with the extra insights that you can get by working with JacQuaeline.
Learn about timing of upcoming opportunities, changes, outcomes of plans with suggestions for best timing..
Don’t let the future catch you by surprise. Be prepared and even pro-active to truly take advantage of opportunities, circumstances and life! Live with less stress – healthier, happier and prepared.
Here’s a little background on JacQuaeline…
As a Professional Intuitive (aka Psychic/clairvoyant/Remote Viewer) JacQuaeline integrates her special gifts in all her work. Her work has taken her into prestigious boardrooms with corporate executives, giving motivation speeches to Military personnel, coaching or specifically giving forecasts, her intuition has proven to be consistently accurate, especially with forecasting details and dates of upcoming events, challenges or opportunities. Knowing more about what is potentially coming is truly a powerful thing.
Crime Cases & Mission Children:
JacQuaeline worked with an exclusive team named ‘United Sensitives of America’ (USofA). Then, in addition to having her weekly radio talkshow on ” Your Talk Alternative: KFOX, 93.5FM – she & the team worked on various crimes and missing children cases with the L.A. Police and Sheriffs Departments. Thru USofA she participated in a security division for the Los Angeles 1984 Olympic Games. She’s been quoted by the L.A. Times and been called upon for predictions of world wide events by major magazines. She also ‘teaches’ intuitive development and after more then forty years teaching others… she emphasis the fact that before she took classes, she had no indication, no clue that she could or would have any talent in this work. She was just curious. Since her rapid activation into this
world of ‘superpowers’, she’s been teaching others to ‘turn on’ their own skills. Its easy with the right teacher and program. Even if people have skills already they may have been lucky enough to just ‘have’ – her courses help those sensitive or oversensitive to balance, ground and function better then ever before. When people take classes, hopefully those programs focus on two aspects of development: 1) the art and 2) the science of psychic development. Most people can dramatically increase their ability to be accurate and insightful about future or past events, in alignment with the spiritual or soul mission of the client – acknowledging that there is free will and destiny. Her sessions are as much as a predictive process and counseling to help heal deep wounds which may hold people back or cause pain or suffering. The goal is to help each and every client live the best, happiest, most productive lives possible. Don’t be victim of “I didn’t see that coming.” Set up a sessions for yourself or a loved one TODAY!
Limited Number of Appointments Available at this special offer.
Appointments must be completed by May 31st.
NOW is a GREAT TIME to take action on this.
The universe rewards action!
My Special Gift to YOU
If you have questions on the value of these sessions,
please read the testimonial comments below and you will find many more on Linkedin.
Client Comments
Carol B. completely blown away by her reading.
I told her that she was about to have a big shift in her work/career. Watch for it in three months – I sensed she would get a major new position, like a vice president of something. She said, ‘I can’t see that happening.’ I ‘tuned in again’ and repeated what I said. She argued. I then asked her what she did for work. She told me she worked in a bank as a Manager of a department. Again I ‘tuned in’ and finally said. Okay, Here’s what I see. In exactly three months you’ll see three men come into the bank. You have three months to watch the Vice President of your bank and figure out what that person does at that job. Put your resume together and have it available. In three months watch for these three men to come into your bank. This will be obvious to you – you’ll see three men come into the bank, they will be dressed very well. Approach them and give them your resume. I moved on with the reading. Six months later I got a call from Carol. She called to tell me thank you. Even though she didn’t believe what I told her, she decided to do what I suggested anyway. She studied the VP and learned all about that job. She put her resume together. In three months, exactly, she saw three businessmen come into the bank and said she got an unusual feeling and ‘just knew’ it was the men I described her reading. She introduced herself and handed them an envelope with her resume in it. She said it was strange but it felt right. Two weeks later, she was called into their bank for a meeting which turned into an immediate job offer. She’s now Vice President of their financial institution. She loves the job, the people and is making a lot more money! She said she NEVER would have be ready or even considered the option, she was pretty happy with her job before that. Then she asked me, how did you know? Um… because I’m psychic and you were having a psychic reading!
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Intuitive/Psychic Sessions can also give you a healing perspective into relationships in both your personal and professional life.
Get insights about timing … when to start, when to quit, when to invest, when to move, etc.
You may ask questions about anything, relationships, health, and strategies to handle challenging situations or karmic relationships. What are you curious or concerned about? Now’s the time to explore the answers.
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More Client Testimonials:
Jp Luebsen – Computer Software Consultant and Contractor, So. California In addition to being one of the most powerful and talented psychics I have known, JacQuaeline has empowered hundreds, if not thousands of people to transform their lives and realize their dreams. It is a privilege to call her my friend.
Michael Benner – Emotional Intelligence & Mindfulness Instructor-Trainer-Speaker, So. California Often called the “Sixth Sense,” intuition is an amazing faculty of human intelligence that everyone has, but few people ever develop. How often have you heard someone exclaim — maybe even YOU, “Oh, I knew that was going to happen, but I talked myself out of trusting my gut feelings.”
Well, when you’re ready to start trusting yourself, contact JacQuaeline. She’s the best at teaching business people and others how to develop your intuition. She’s even hosted radio programs about it.
When it comes to understanding complex and confusing situations in your life, why rely only on deductive thought when you can learn to supplement your understanding with insight and inspiration?
Oh, and if JacQuaeline tells you that she had a feeling you were going to contact her…believe it!
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Take Action NOW!
There are a Limited Number of sessions available at these reduced prices. Sessions must be booked and completed within the next three weeks. Upon receiving payment you will be contacted to schedule the appointment date and time.
Please understand this is for a Limited number of readings appointments available at this discounted price..
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ SPECIAL One hour Consultation – Save up to 50% ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Full Comprehensive Forecast/Reading into the upcoming current year and possibly beyond, a one hour session (regularly $500) today save 50% $250
2nd Option:
Shorter Check in (20 minutes) regular $175. (44% off) Today: $97.00
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Please join the contact list here on this website – usually found near the top right hand side of each page. I promise I will not bombard you with junk mail and I never rent out or give your contact information to anyone.
Live your best life here and now,