by JacQuaeline | Jun 3, 2023 | Articles, Events, Meditation
Full Moon Today – JacQuaeline will lead a special Meditation very close to ‘THE’ time which is 9:39pm Pacific (Sorry east coasters but its a Saturday night… so hope you may join in then) Starts at 9:15pm pacific for 20 minutes.
Meanwhile – release what you need to in order to feel more joy, more ‘light’ – especially in relationships – remember the outside is a reflection of the inside… lets do some of that work tonight. to get access enter your email on my website & you’ll get the link. (aka )
Dame Rev. JacQuaeline is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: A Global Experiment – Live Your Best Life – Full Moon – 6/3/23
Time: Jun 3, 2023 09:15 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
This will be approximately 20 minutes.
followed by open discussion
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 389 987 2748
Passcode: 111202
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Meeting ID: 389 987 2748
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by JacQuaeline | May 13, 2023 | Articles, Events, Uncategorized
Give your mother or yourself.. the gift of insight.
Now is the perfect time to treat your mother or your daughter or YOURSELF to a private, recorded Psychic Reading by JacQuaeline.
You don’t know what you don’t know. AND, there IS ‘free will’. So it takes a seasoned professional to understand those principles and to give warnings if necessary in a way that doesn’t ‘plant seeds’ of challenges.
Working with a professional like JacQuaeline can make the difference between GOOD and GREAT. And, JacQuaeline loves to say – learn to say NO to the ‘good’ and YES to the GREAT.
This is truly what a good psychic reading can do for you… help you understand the opportunities, challenges and changes while taking advantage of those opportunities.
Please check out this LIMITED TIME and LIMITED NUMBER OF SESSIONS offered here: click this 60 minute full session link:
More details available on this site:
These special discounted offers are for
limited time and number of sessions.
by JacQuaeline | Mar 3, 2023 | Articles, Events
This is an online PLAYshop* that quickly
impacts YOUR LIFE… and the program is FUN!
Join us on this LIVE INTERACTIVE Zoom
Program (limited small groups only) where
you will be able to safely Explore the real
world of Human Potential.
Everything is ENERGY and you can rapidly
and easily harness that energy with
JacQuaeline’s assistance.
Can you really Melt Metal with their mind?
Can you levitate things?
For most people – the answer is YES!
And, when you experience this from your
own home or office…. life shift FAST.
Come Explore – come PLAY…
its a lot of fun..
This is a REAL phenomena called
“PK” or Psychokinesis. . .
this is NOT
This three hour program changes peoples
beliefs about how powerful their mind
really is.
This is where the impossible becomes the possible.
This completely safe and fun experience allows
you to explore how your reality can be shaped
around what you believe and how new beliefs
can be formed in the light of new results
changing how your life works forever.
This event is hosted by the amazing JacQuaeline
(yes, she goes by ONE NAME!), dubbed by
T. Harv Eker as ‘America’s Foremost Intuition Skills Trainer.’
Skeptics and Believers are WELCOME!
Naysayers and Cynics, please feel free to skip over this offering.
Sunday, April 30th
3:00 PM Eastern Time
12:00 PM Pacific Time
3-Hours Experience
Via Zoom
Link Emailed After Registration
First, register to attend for only
$47** through April 18th, 2023,
then $67** till we hit 12 more registrating..
After that, all you have to do is grab some flatware
you are willing to bend and melt with your mind
and show up on time to the event!
Because it’s fun and adventure!
And, you will experience and learn things
about ENERGY that can seriously &
positively impact your entire life…
influencing your personal life, health, energy,
relationships, career or professional levels
of success.
Anyone open to new experiences and
willing to see how we can experience
life with new options!
by JacQuaeline | Jan 11, 2023 | Articles, Events
Happy New Year. Stop DOUBT. Learn how.
This is NOT about doubting if spoon bending can
be done or not. Its about ANY KIND OF DOUBT
in your mind, in your heart about you being able
to powerfully influence your future.
Within the 90 minutes of a three hour training (party)
you’ll experience a powerful technique that translates into
solid results. ENERGY impacting SOLID METAL.
YOUR energy. YOUR mind. YOUR intension.
YES YOU CAN is the result..
It’s FUN. Its pretty crazy… !
Take three hours to create a powerful, SOLID
PARADIGM SHIFT that will last you the rest
of your life. Why do I say that? Most people
keep their bent forks/spoons, 15 inch long solid
metal rods, etc. etc. These things serve as a
SOLID REMINDER to you of the power of your
MIND! Don’t believe us?
Check out
or, register here – this time only is a
new Year’s Special – posted a sliding
scale for payment. Regular is $297.
and today we posted an option for
you to leave a minimum of $47..
sliding scale based on your ability
to pay, $47 – – – to – – – $550.
Thank you and do join, start this year with
a truly creative magical event..
Sincerely, JacQuaeline
by JacQuaeline | Oct 4, 2022 | Articles, Events

‘JacQuaeline’ Coming Out of the Shadows
Choose: Tuesday Oct. 4th and/or Oct 5th, join JacQuaeline live overview of
the soul journey of evolution of consciousness resulting specifically expanded
awareness, balanced sensitivity and refined perception.
JacQuaeline starts the ten week training on Oct. 6th. This may be the final
time she teaches this live as most of the program has been filmed and is
the editing has started. Join her Tues or Wednesday to experience some
examples of what you could explore in this two-and-a-half month long training.
By the end of this year, if you join the full program, your life will be in a completely
new realm of awareness.
Have you ever wished your intuition was better, more consistent, more positive… ?
Or, Have you ever wondered what if your intuition could be expanded – but in a
balanced, practical, magical way?
On Oct. 4 and again Oct. 5, JacQuaeline will be on Zoom giving an intensive
overview of the journey that could take you from were you are to where you might
want to be.
Results: Right place/Right time consistently. Success from the inside-out.
The journey to develop, activate, refine and apply your intuition power or Psychic
abilities – remote viewing, activate healing energies, balance your energy so you
have more energy, refine your meditation easily so you save time.. the list of
benefits goes on and on.
You are invited to an Intuition Power Introductory/Overview Training Session & Q&A with JacQuaeline
Two dates:
Tuesday, Oct. 4th at 5:30pm Pacific (USA) on Zoom
and again
Wednesday, Oct. 5th at 7pm Pacific (USA) on Zoom
– – – – –
Register in advance for this Oct 4th meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
– – – – –
Or Register in advance for this Oct 5th meeting:
When: Oct 5, 2022 – 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
If for some reason you can not join either Tues. or Wednesday and are seriously ‘interested’ in this potentially final
semi-private training starting Oct. 6th, please contact JacQuaeline by email: and use subject line: Class Interest. She will be more than happy to have a quick conversation with you.