by JacQuaeline | Jun 19, 2020 | Articles, Events
As I write this we’re in the energy field of a series of powerful alignments in our solar system and galaxy.
JacQuaeline is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Solstice Gathering Meditation
Time: Jun 20, 2020 04:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 884 8491 8704
Password: 969394
##SummerSolsticeMeditation #Solstice, #SummerSolsticeEvent, #SolsticeZoom
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Meeting ID: 884 8491 8704
Password: 969394
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WHY could this be important to you? This is the fastest way to EXPERIENCE how your thoughts impact physical, tangible reality.
Are you using your FULL POTENTIAL? Register today and save!
by JacQuaeline | May 12, 2019 | Articles, Events, Uncategorized
Hi! I am so pleased to announce and share the front page news story about my trip to Canada! Click the link to see it!
by JacQuaeline | May 7, 2018 | Articles, Events
YES YOU CAN !!! if you learn how. Its time to OPEN YOUR MIND and explore YOUR 21st Century Superpowers. This is real. Its not about fake news. In addition to all the forks and spoons and other goodies that we will give you to practice with, you are encouraged to BRING YOUR OWN forks, spoons, hack saws, metal bars; YOU will know its real when YOU SEE IT and WHEN YOU DO IT.. AND, when you leave the party with YOUR flatware that you warped, melted, twisted and PK’d items! PK – Psychokinesis. PK is REAL and YOU CAN LEARN IT… and when you do that.. you will also learn during the PK Party how to apply this skill to other aspects of your life.. BREAK THROUGHS, control your emotions, move to balance, clear your mind and allow more creative focus. . . achieve what you want. See the EVENTS tab on this website. PK Party 417 has a discount – the sooner you register, the more you will save. PK Party 417 is set for May 20, 2018.
PK Party #411 at FMBR, Foundation For Mind, Body Research
Spoon Bending Training: PK Party
by JacQuaeline | Jan 19, 2018 | Articles, Events
YES YOU CAN! Learn to bend metal with your mind. Official PK Party #416 is scheduled for February 11, 2018 in Reno Nevada.
Spoon Bending is possible. Why learn it? The real question is – why not?
Move past any doubt or fear. We call this one of your 21st Century Superpowers!
to register – go to… events tab on this website. Early registration is discounted!
Please tell all your friends in the Reno Nevada Area.
PK Party #416 – Feb. 11, 2017 1 – 5pm at Location to be announced… lead by JacQuaeline
PK Party #417 being arranged for Petaluma, California between March 10 – 18th. to be determined.
Check out the webpage and watch the video. or, go to facebook :
Enjoy – be empowered.. overcome any doubt… whatever you can dream and believe – you can achieve.. YES YOU CAN! and in this case… bend bend bend!!!! its awesome!
by JacQuaeline | Jun 11, 2016 | Articles, Events, Uncategorized
Join me, JacQuaeline for our next PK Party (PK = Psychokinesis)
Learn this 21st Century ‘SUPER-POWER! Use the same concepts that you will learn and begin to apply them in your life in order to break though other barriers and rewrite your reality.
During this four hour ‘party’ I will challenge your belief systems of: ‘WHAT IS POSSIBLE?’ and WHAT IS REALITY?
Can people really stare at metal flatware and make it ‘melt’, ‘twist’ and ‘bend’? Well, once you learn the simple steps, have the phenomena explained and get ‘activated’ – you may just be able to do it!
If you want to S-T-R-E-T-C-H YOUR reality, or just come and have an extraordinary afternoon, don’t miss this event. Get yourself to Anaheim, California on June 18th at the Learning Light Foundation in Anaheim. It’ll be a four hour program. The ‘PK PARTY” is a continuation of the research that initially started by Jack Houck when he was working at the Boeing Space Division. When I met Jack in the mid 1980’s, he asked me to continue the work and we’re up to PK Party #414.
Welcome to the new age. PK (Psychokinesis is the 21st century Superpower!) AND, YES YOU CAN!
Come, LEARN to melt metal with your mind. And, if you can do THAT (which you can!) then, WHAT ELSE IS POSSIBLE?
To register, simply call: Learning Light Foundation: (714) 533-2311 Register early for the special early bird discount on tickets.