‘JacQuaeline’ Success Coach who teaches Intuitive/Psychic Skills
Well, yes. After a decade of trying to hide my background with a reputation as one of the top psychics on the west coast (named that by a popular national magazine) I’ve decided it was too hard to play ‘normal’. The reality is, I was actually ‘trained’ to develop my intuition or psychic skills. I spent seven years going through rigorous training before I was unleashed to lead a radio talk show in Los Angeles, worked with Los Angeles Police and Sheriff’s Department, trained some people in the CIA ‘ s Secret Service. And for some reason in the late 1990’s, the word psychic suddenly because ‘unacceptable’ as it was getting to be connected to ‘the dark side’ and strange phenomena. Well, most of us professional remote viewing (gifted clairvoyants) just morphed our titles into ‘intuitive’. (Intuitive – Not as direct or bold a statement as using the world psychic.) The other thing is, not only was I ‘trained’ to do this work; I was trained to ‘train others’. And I’m happy to publicly report that I’ve trained literally thousands of people to recognize and develop their gifts. You’d be surprised at how easy it is for me to identify YOUR talent. Its way beyond NLP or EFT or psychology. With the right ‘training’ you can break through your own barriers, beliefs and truly begin to connect to your own inner knower. Stop second guessing yourself. Start trusting your HEART Instinct – way beyond your gut instinct. Sure – GUT is okay and important but, from a professional.. its only the beginning of waking up. Take a class from me and I’ll prove to you how easy it is to increase your success, have the secret to the ‘secret’. Its all inside of you already. And – it doesn’t take years studying with a guru. It might take a about 8 to 10 weeks. It won’t cost you time and money to go to India either – you can work with me through the internet. And, a good way to explore would be to take advantage of my Mothers Day offer that is still good through this week. My ‘coming out’ offer…. http://bit.ly/24PMAKP
And, any of you coaches, sales people, nurses, medical professionals, parents or seekers… each of you would benefit by taking a few weeks of Intuition Power training… you’ll active it, control it and watch this clip to the very end where I read the testimonial about aggressive business result. It’ll blow your mind… http://www.jqspeaks.com/TV.html then use the other link and take advantage of the special session offer I created. http://bit.ly/24PMAKP And, if you want a business coach that cheats – peaks into your creative, future possibilities – senses the timing of opportunities – then NOW is the time to call and ask. Mention this article from the JacQuaeline website and I’ll give you a very special six month offer that’s not posted on my site. my contact 310-710-8126. Enjoy, stay safe, follow your heart and integrate your higher powers, now referred to as ‘intuition’.