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Manifest Anything – Order Today for only $19.97   (On Line Program)  Yes, its under $20.00

Yes You Can! Manifest Anything is a simple system to create a little (or a lot) of magic in your life. Overcome chaos, hesitancy, procrastination or just overwhelm. This program will help you focus, integrate inner wisdom, prioritize desires & intuitive guidance for rapid, real world results. Release struggle, stress and strife. Create your hearts desires (or at least basic needs). Have tangible results sooner than later, get this program today at the low introductory offer.

FAST ACTION INCENTIVE:   The first fifteen people who purchase this before June 22nd will receive a personal complimentary call from JacQuaeline before the end of June 2018.

ORDER TODAY!    Program link will be sent to you within 30 days.   (viewable program and pdf)

PS. Personal note from JacQuaeline:
I’ve been teaching success principles for several decades. I love to see folks achieve success from the inside out by putting focus on activating and applying their Intuition Power™ skills to be in the right place at the right time. After twenty years of doing that, I agreed to work with Coach Clients from T. Harv Eker’s Peak Potentials Training Company.  They gave me  a Coaching Award the first year.  My second year they gave the awards to the clients based on measurable results.  I am proud to report that out of approximately 2,000 clients, one of my clients, a holistic health practitioner in New York City won the category of largest financial gain in the past twelve months.  I worked with Peak Potentials for ten years as a CEO Coach averaging work with 45 clients per month, each committed to a minimum of one year of weekly support.  I learned a lot about accountability, big goals, and focus as most of the meetings were timed to maximum 15 minutes each meeting.   That system transformed excuses or reasons why things didn’t get done and truly highlighted accountability and celebration of each baby step accomplished.

This program, ‘Manifest Anything”, is a result of personally working with hundreds, or perhaps thousands of good-hearted people who truly wanted to achieve ‘something’ — whether it be resolving a relationship, finding a partner, increasing income, shifting careers, restructuring priorities to reduce stress or making major changes that oftentimes take leaps of faith. This is for people interested in being the best they can which will make a difference in the world. Today it is not always easy to find balance and get support to literally think out of the box, find and follow your heart’s desire; that takes a lot of courage, faith, support and focus.

If you’re ready to reduce stress and outperform yourself, find some magic and ride the road to success with more ease and grace, than get this program NOW while its in preview mode.  As soon as its finished final edit is completed, you’ll be the first to access it — and, if you act fast, you’ll also get a personal call from me to help you kick start that process.


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During a reading/forecast I told Carol she needed to put her resume together in terms of her becoming something like… like a V.P. of the Bank she was working for. She looked visibly uncomfortable with the thought and said, “you’ve got to be kidding, I could never do that.” So, in asking her a few questions – she told me she did special projects but that’s not close to the V.P. type job.’ So, I said, “well, you have exactly three months to follow the current VP around, learn and watch what he does and how he does it”. And again I said, “in three months, 3 men will enter your bank. It will be obvious to you who I’m talking about. I want you to hand them your resume. You’ll get a new job and it will be something like Vice President.”Carole called me six months later from her new office. She told me she was hired by the three men and was now V.P. of their new bank. She said she NEVER would have been prepared and couldn’t imagine ever being ready if it weren’t for the things I told her in her reading.

So my question to you is…

Are you prepared?
Do you have a consultant who has a great track record for accuracy on timing of events, dollar amounts.. someone who can read you at the soul level so there is a potential alignment for soul mission, vision and purpose to be supported? Have you checked in for a reading in the last six months or year?

If not – you might be like Carol, except you don’t know what you don’t know.

Carol - Bank V.P.
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