Inspiration – focus

Man Sihouetted by the sunlight
Want to be inspired?

What have you done to create that for yourself? What conversations are you having? What books, talks, groups are you hanging out with?

Are you watching tv? Reading newspapers? Some teachers say – don’t do that. I don’t agree. I say, limit your watching, and choose your papers and the time you read the news carefully. Skip over bad details, gory ugly events…and when you do come across them, say a little prayer for those involved – you’ll find yourself praying often.

And speaking of prayer – prayer is good – AND, my teachers said, Prayer is talking to GOD and Meditation is listening for the answer.

Listen with intention. Listen with focus. Begin each silent meditation with powerful focus just as we do at

Or, better yet, get my Art of Meditation – a fifteen day challenge. That will give you days, weeks, months and years of support. It takes practice. You can purchase the Art of Meditation program on or choose from a variety of topics of guided programs on – see the archive page; there are some terrific programs there.

And, gotta run. As I glanced down, the time was 1:11pm. Double digits, triple digits are ‘mastership numbers’. So you see, when little things like that happen in my life I get a ‘thrill’ as I’ve studied numerology. Why did I glance at that clock at that moment in time? Who knows. But I did. And my awareness says.. wow, mastership number, good reminder, how lucky I am. I’m in the flow, cosmic and cosmically guided and supported. I know this. So I find inspiration in the smallest of coincidences and I do my best to practice what I preach. Best wishes to YOU as you read this. Please leave a comment about what inspires YOU – or ask a question about how to focus better.

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JacQuaeline, I just want to thank you for the bottom of my heart for your most insightful reading. You said what I needed to hear. In fact, I think it would be more appropriate to say you reminded me what I most needed to remember. SO I thank you, I thank you for going way beyond in your time. I thank you for the energy that we shared. And I am am so honored and so humbled. I look forward to our continuing relationship/ journey. Thank you for that boot in the rear that I most needed. You were the ambassador who took me to the next step in the journey. It is such a joy to have connected with you. That is it JacQuaeline. I know we will be in touch. Bye for now.

Dorthy Bloferd
Whiterock, BC Canada
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