Meditation – Equinox Special offer/invite this week!

Solstice Meditation

Tomorrow: Spring Equinox Q: Why is it important? How to use it? A: Everything is energy. Understand/read the patterns of energy. Take advantage of the timing. Consider a wave or a tide. Go with the flow. Tide goes out – good time to venture out. Tide comes in – good time to move toward the shore. So, Equinox, Spring or Fall is a moment of pause when the tide changes direction. Connecting the dots here – ultimately meditation is a practice, not a trip. Slowing your thought waves to small or still, no movement measured, quiet still point, a time/place where you connect to your source. Beyond time, beyond space, beyond thinking. Entering the realm of knowing and being one with your source. Equinox is tomorrow, Thursday. I had an unexpected trip to Los Angeles this morning and will be on the road most of the day tomorrow unable to commit to the time I wanted to lead the group. If I get back within a reasonable time I will probably jump onto a FB Live and lead one. I usually explain this in my beginning classes. But I do want to post this offer. My “Art of Meditation: a fifteen day Challenge” usually sells for $97. With this coupon for the next 5 days I will make it available for only $27.  (Save $70 – download 4 audios & 1 workbook) Simply use this link and the discount price will show up in the cart at check out.

Stay safe – Stay centered – Stay positive – Remember who and what you are – a child of god.. conscious energy and spirit having a human experience.

With loving light, JacQuaeline

PS. Ramping up on line Classes & MasterMind Support Groups, Private Readings & Coaching available.

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During a reading/forecast I told Carol she needed to put her resume together in terms of her becoming something like… like a V.P. of the Bank she was working for. She looked visibly uncomfortable with the thought and said, “you’ve got to be kidding, I could never do that.” So, in asking her a few questions – she told me she did special projects but that’s not close to the V.P. type job.’ So, I said, “well, you have exactly three months to follow the current VP around, learn and watch what he does and how he does it”. And again I said, “in three months, 3 men will enter your bank. It will be obvious to you who I’m talking about. I want you to hand them your resume. You’ll get a new job and it will be something like Vice President.”Carole called me six months later from her new office. She told me she was hired by the three men and was now V.P. of their new bank. She said she NEVER would have been prepared and couldn’t imagine ever being ready if it weren’t for the things I told her in her reading.

So my question to you is…

Are you prepared?
Do you have a consultant who has a great track record for accuracy on timing of events, dollar amounts.. someone who can read you at the soul level so there is a potential alignment for soul mission, vision and purpose to be supported? Have you checked in for a reading in the last six months or year?

If not – you might be like Carol, except you don’t know what you don’t know.

Carol - Bank V.P.
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